Just a few pictures below of the goings on at Red Kite over recent months. Scroll down to enjoy!

Sorting games are fun

Getting confident outdoors

Our new light table

What did we see in the park today?

What have they found this time?

Learning about insects

Savoury muffins - yum!

Mine... all mine!

Sandwiches for lunch today

We're getting into baking, too

Holding scissors is a precursor to holding a pencil

Having fun with magnets and geometry

Playing chasing is always fun

Something's hiding in the rosemary

Move over, Jackson Pollock

Pavement chalks - not just for pavements!

Lots of water play today

it's good to have books around

Park walks have started

Windmill Park is just a short walk away

Learning groups are back!

We've revamped the sleep room, hurrah!

Lots of yummy food to enjoy!

Gifts for all

Santa and his elf pay a welcome visit

The excitement was too much for some
M: 027 300 6167 OR 027 248 0073
E: info@redkitepreschool.co.nz